Scientific publications
Lagisz, M., Westgate, M., Kellie, D., & Nakagawa, S. (2024). Going global by going local: Impacts and opportunities of geographically focused data integration. BioScience, biae070.
Roger, E., Kellie, D. J., Slatyer, C., Brenton, P., Torresan, O., Wallis, E., Zerger, A. (2023). Open Access Research Infrastructures are Critical for Improving the Accessibility and Utility of Citizen Science: A Case Study of Australia’s National Biodiversity Infrastructure, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 8(1). Preprint on EcoEvoRxiv
Kellie, D. J., Blake, K. R., & Brooks, R. C. (2021). Prejudice towards sex workers depends on the sexual activity and autonomy of their work, hobbies and daily activities. Collabra: Psychology, 7(1), 24386. This paper is open access! Preprint on PsyArXiv
Kellie, D. J., Blake, K. R., & Brooks, R. C. (2021). Behind the makeup: The effects of cosmetics on women’s self‐objectification, and their objectification by others. European Journal of Social Psychology. Prepint on PsyArXiv
Kellie, D. J., Dixson, B., & Brooks, R. (2020). Papa don’t preach? Using lies to expose the truth about who suppresses female sexuality. Human Nature, 1-27.
Kellie, D. J., Blake, K. R., & Brooks, R. (2019). What drives female objectification? An investigation of appearance-based interpersonal perceptions and the objectification of women. PLoS One, 14(8), e0221388. 3 Minute Thesis talk I did on this paper
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Investigating enhancements of Indigenous data in suicide-relevant data sets. Catalogue number IMH 13, AIHW, Australian Government.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Protective and risk factors for suicide among Indigenous Australians. Catalogue number IMH 11, AIHW, Australian Government.
Kellie, D. J., Parker, T., & Nakagawa, S. (in prep). To what extent do biological and methodological differences drive heterogeneity in results in ecology? Pre-registration available on the Open Science Framework